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[ACC2010]冠脉正常女性的胸痛的原因以及如何进行处理--Jennifer H. Mieres教授专访
<International circulation> : Are you aware of any promising methods to evaluate the microvasculor lesions?
Mieres:Yes. In terms of microvasculor lesions, we know that MR sounds very promising. Stress MR gives us some insight as to the microvasculature and subendocardial ischemia. But in terms of
Microvasculor dysfunction, I know that PET perfusion imaging can give us an idea of a coronary reserve or abnormal floor reserve, and you can extrapolate that to be a dysfunction of the microvasculature. So its MR, definitely; PET is promising; and I think maybe as CTA become more developed we might be able to see some profusion abnormalities with stress angiography.
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